Thursday, January 26, 2017

Prayer as a Last Resort

Far too often we use what should be our initial response as a last resort.

Much like building our favorite out-of-the-box furniture, we have a tendency to try to do things on our own, as much as possible, until we find out we have spare parts, or things aren't coming together in the way that we (or the box) pictured them.

So, keeping that in mind...

Why do we pray?

Sometimes it's because we are pouring our hearts out to God in times of trouble or challenge, and then when things are okay, we just don't.

We can figure it out on our own, and then if all else fails, we can return to the directions right?

The biggest problem is prayer isn't just what gives us direction in life in what to do, where to go, or anything else.

It's also a tool.

It's a direct line to the Creator of the project because He cares immensely about the project we have in mind... and the next project... and the next project...

Because He understands it's not just what we are looking to accomplish, and more importantly He has His own project.


If the only time we try at building our relationship with God is when things get hard, then why do we get surprised when challenges arise?

And even then, more often than not, I think our prayers often try to manipulate God to get us out of our current situation than trying to find out what God is trying to reveal and do in and through us in that situation.

Dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12

But that feeling is horrible, isn't it?

You know, the one where you feel completely helpless, and completely out of control?

We were never in control, and we can't afford to lose sight of where our help comes from!

We are told to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

Is it any wonder that when we haven't been spending time with the God who is the lover of our souls, the God who provides, and the God who heals, that we get sick,we feel anxious, we feel alone, and we get stressed out?

When the voices we listen to from the media, from social media, and we speak into each others lives are words of hopelessness, of anger, of hurt, of depression and hatred to the point to where we don't know what to do with the thought of a God who has a vested interest in each and every one of us.

That means God wants to know your hurts, your angers, your fears, your joys, your hopes, your dreams, that thing going on within your family.

He wants it.

All of it.

Cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

God cares about our circumstances and what's going on in our lives, but God is ultimately more concerned with the refining of our souls than our momentary circumstance.

God wants us to seek Him and His presence – God wants to be ever-present in our lives, and considered in every decision.

Let me rephrase that. God IS ever-present in our lives. He just wants to for us to include Him in our every-day tasks.

Because He wants you.

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