May was all about the wedding, and therefore, most of my to-do list items were accomplished by default, but we'll take a look at them anyway!
May's To-Do List
FOCUS- I'm calling this a win. I definitely had a lot of moments where my head was in the clouds, but I ended up doing a really great job. As a matter of fact, I'm almost completely caught up from being gone on my honeymoon for a week!
Wrap up the little wedding details- This got done, but not without TONS of help from my parents, Nana, Josiah, Josh Good, Kendra, and all the other people that helped me wrap stuff up at the last minute. I am so blessed to have you all in my life! Just sayin'....
Hair- I find it hard to believe that I really put a hair appointment on my to-do list. Haha...what exactly was I thinking? My brain must have really been in overload. I did get my hair done. My highlights look good. Yay me. :P
School- This is definitely a win. Finished my second semester at Liberty with a 4.0 and I'm now officially a Senior. I am SO happy to have the summer off to spend time with the kiddos!
GET MARRIED!!- This totally happened!!
- Workouts - I think this might be a fail...well...maybe. I did go to the gym TWICE while on the cruise ship and we walked A LOT in Nassau and Charleston, SC...but one week out of almost 5 doesn't really cut it.
Move- I am in my new home!! OUR new home. :) Josiah just about single-handedly moved me out of my apartment, but it's all done, and I am SO grateful.
June's To-Do List
- Workouts - This is happening in June people! Seriously. I only live 5 seconds from the Y now AND my kids love going AND I'll have extra time because I work so close to home now. I have to make this a priority. We were on the cruise ship and one of the comedians was talking about being fat (Ira Proctor - who btw, was REALLY funny) and asked who his fellow fat people were in the audience...I LOVED his show and he was really funny, but I would have been a lot happier if I didn't have to admit to being one of his comrades. We're gonna get this under control. We're going to start with just making sure I have 3 - 30 minute cardio sessions per week.
- Keeping track - The wedding madness is over, so I don't have any more excuses for being too busy to eat healthy. The stops at the drive-through must stop. They're too expensive and REALLY bad for the body. In order to track this I'm going to go back to using this calorie counter. It's free, and it helps me keep track of what I'm eating and when I'm working out.
- Organize - New house, new beginnings. We need a fresh start, and we desperately need to organize. We have so much stuff to either put away or get rid of! I'd like to do A LOT of the latter, and when it comes to the former, I want to do it right. Everything should have a place, and should get put into that place. I'm tired of feeling like a wreck all the time. I want our home to be a place people feel they can drop into and feel welcome and at home. I want to feel comfortable with people dropping by, knowing that things might not be perfect, but at the very least most rooms in the house will be straight and orderly.
- Finances - Weddings and honeymoons are expensive. Therefore, Josiah and I have really exhausted our savings. June is our month to start cleaning that up. We are going to start watching Dave Ramsey again once per week, decide upon our regular church giving, and start saving again.
Friends - I know I'm a honeymooner and all, but I feel like I really need to make time for my girlfriends, old and new. I'd like for Josiah and I to have some time getting to know other couples, too. So, how do I make this a measurable success? Let's say if I get together with one friend per week, we'll call this a win. :)
Quiet time - I have gotten WAY far away from spending time in the Word each day. I have made time for everything else on the planet, but not the one thing that is supposed to matter most. I pray each day, but I'm not spending the time I need to in order to really be connected to God and His plan for my life. Therefore, I will start taking advantage of my new close proximity to work and using the extra time in the morning to spend at least 20-30 minutes studying His Word. I know it's the last thing on the list, but really, it's the most important!
Well, this post is giving me all kinds of difficulties. I lost my bullets at the end and I can't seem to get back to the far left margin...but that's okay. Maybe I'll work on better blog posting, too!
Alright folks...that's it. And just because I couldn't help it, I'm going to end this post with one of my favorite sneak peek photos from the wedding!
Photo credit: Amanda Truth Photography -
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