Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God's Hand Stirring the Pot

Quick post today.  I have so much I feel going on with me spiritually today.  I wrote my mother-in-law an email about it, and then sent part of that email to another good friend, but since this blog is all about my life's journey,
I thought I'd put it here, too.  So, here's what's going on in my world...

I have so much spiritual stuff on my mind this morning.  I feel like God’s doing some major work in my life and in my heart right now, but and I’m LOVING it, but it’s also different and new and coming at me FAST:

  1.  I’ve started doing my quiet time in the morning again.  I crave it and can’t wait to wake up for that time alone with my Savior.  I feel His words in me and around me all day long…which has led to a couple other things 
  2. I’ve had a couple moments lately where I felt God has put it on my heart to say stuff to people, and that’s not normally “me.”  I’ve never felt spiritually in tune like that and it’s weird.  It’s like having the butterflies that are both good and uncomfortable at the same time.  It’s amazing to feel like God is using me in other people’s lives, but at the same time, I’m praying, praying, praying that anything I say is actually from Him and not from me because I want His will in these people’s lives, not mine.  I mean, it’s not like prophecy or anything, but just things that I feel God has shown me that I feel he’s telling me will apply in their lives or encourage them.  It’s new and awesome and scary.  So that’s that… 
  3.  Last night at the dinner table I felt the need to start doing devotions with the kids every night after dinner.  I don’t know why.  I think someone mentioned family devotions to me recently.  Anyhow, I felt struck by its importance and I asked Josiah about it, and right then I looked something up online and then we had a devotion.  Last night it was on temptation.  This morning getting ready for work I had a thousand ideas for different devotions I want to do with the kids and now I can’t remember them all…I need to write them down.  I’m praying for God’s guidance as we do this…that He will guide us each night in our topics and our discussions.
  4. ALSO, last night’s verse during the devotion was Mathew 4:1-11, and was about Jesus being tempted.  I mentioned to the kids that this was right after Jesus was baptized, and I asked them about what baptism was and Emily knows the answer, and she’s asking to be baptized…but I just don’t know.  I want her to understand in her HEART what the decision means, and know the commitment she’s making, so part of me wants to hold off until I feel she understands it more, but another part of me feels like I might be halting something that God is doing in her life and far be it from me to get in the way with my complicatedness.  I’m really praying for that little girl…I’m going to email my pastor today, too.  He’s probably really familiar with this sort of thing.  Plans fail for lack of counsel and the wise (wo)man seeks many advisers right?
  5. This one is WAY important…I am praying for God’s guidance while I’m going through this spiritual avalanche because I always need to remember to let Josiah be the spiritual leader in our home.  I was called to be his helpmeet, but he needs to be the spiritual leader, and I need to make sure I’m giving him that opportunity and room for growth.

So…awesome stuff…a little overwhelming…a lot amazing.  I’m almost feeling overwhelmed by it all because I keep thinking of people I want to encourage and spend time with and things I want to do, but there’s just not enough time in the day.  So today’s prayer is that I encourage whoever God wants me to and do whatever He wants me to do, knowing that whatever time, money, words He gives me today is sufficient for his plans for me today.  Amen!

P.S. I know I promised pictures of the honeymoon, and I swear I'll get around to that this week!

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