Friday, May 23, 2014

Open and Shut

A door slams in your face, and you're devastated...discouraged...disappointed...desperate.

The new job falls through...
a pink slip is delivered...
a relationship falls apart...
the perfect opportunity dies in front of you.

The door slams firmly shut, stubbing your toes and your pride in the process.

Once again this morning, I was reading The Circle Maker and Batterson brought to my attention a verse I've read before, more than once, but somehow never noticed. 

“The Holy One, the True One, the One who has the key of David, 
who opens and no one will close, and closes and no one opens says:
I know your works. 
Because you have limited strength, have kept My word, 
and have not denied My name, look, 
I have placed before you an open door that no one is able to close."
Revelation 3:7-8 (emphasis added)

We love open doors. We love to be given new opportunities and adventures, but rarely do we thank God for the doors that are closed securely behind us.

However, in this verse we're reminded that it's Jesus Christ who opens and closes the doors of opportunity for us, and his will is irreversible.

"And we know that all things work together
for the good of those who love God:
those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

All things. Not some things, not most things. All things.

I've prayed for some stuff before, let me tell ya. I've prayed for that relationship I just knew was right, but didn't work out anyway. I've prayed about the job that seemed like the perfect fit, but I didn't even get an interview. In retrospect, I was able to see how every one of those closed doors was a blessing in disguise, and not just a little one either...a huge one.

Every slammed door is shut tight for a reason. And guess what? You may not know what that reason is on this side of eternity. You may never know why, but we know He's in control and working for our good, and we have to just trust Him.

I know it's hard. I've been there, and I know I'll be there again someday. It happens to all of us. However, I'm here to tell you that no door opens or closes that God doesn't have control over, and He loves you, and his love is perfect.

Just remember, often, the reason God shuts one door is because there's a much better door He wants to open for you just a little bit down the pike, and once He opens that door, no one can close it.


  1. I love this! And I LOVE CLOSED DOORS! I know that sounds weird, but I've actually said to Jedd, "I feel like God communicates so clearly to you because he slams doors." It sounds weird, and those times were tough for a moment, but there was so much peace knowing FOR SURE that wasn't the path for us. Slammed doors are so much easier to recognize for us, I guess :) Also, did you make that meme? It is awesome. I love that heaven is on the other side. Sometimes we get super distracted that God's promises must be for right now without remembering that if He does nothing else, He has already done so much by promising us salvation through Christ for ETERNITY!

    1. Hey Jamie! I love that YOU love closed doors. It is so like you to be able to see the positive!! :) And yes, I made the meme. I got the picture somewhere online and then just added the words. :)
