What the heck?! Tree?
Tree isn't what I want to write about. How about how it's 4:30 in the morning and my butt is up looking for 5 minute Friday because once I'm awake I can't shut my brain off? How about that?
How about the fact that I can't stop thinking that maybe I'm doing the wrong thing or have misinterpreted God's plan for my life or that people are starting to think my blog is boring or self-important? Or about how I feel like I need more of a schedule for my life but I don't even know how to go about doing that because I do things like wake up at 4:30 in the morning to write?
How about THAT Ms. Baker with your "tree"?
But then I take a minute to actually THINK about trees...and what I love most about them...their brilliance in the fall (yeah, yeah they give us oxygen, too, and that's nice, but not as pretty...I like pretty colors - don't judge me).
And ya know what I love. In the fall, they're getting ready to REST for the winter.
Trees rest..they are still and reserve their energy and REST.
Perhaps I needed to write about trees after all.
What a great post - just what I needed to hear today, and your refreshing honesty made me laugh out! (I thought the same thing about the prompt!) Yes, I've been stressing out already today, rushing about preparing for the weekend. I hope you have a blessed and restful one - sounds like you need it.