Alright this one is going to be quick and dirty (on the fly and no editing). I feel led to write it, but I don't have a lot of time today, so please forgive me!
I've been struggling some lately with writing...wondering if this is really what God wants me to do, or if I just think it is because I LOVE it so much. If you read the blog, then you know I've also been struggling with seeking approval from others, too.
Well, I've been praying a lot about both...and then God moved.
Just when I stopped seeking the approval, and just when I stopped reaching, He reached out for me.
First, I got an email back that I'd been hoping for, and it served as confirmation that I'm on the right track.
I also got a message from sweet young lady saying that a blog I wrote was just what she needed in her relationship.
Then, last night at church, I had multiple people tell me they've been reading the blog and that it touched them in some way.
Finally, I got a voice mail this morning from a dear friend. She left it last weekend, but I am HORRIBLE at checking my voice mail. She said God was working through me and my blog. She had been at a meeting after reading my blog on letting our light shine, and she brought up the post and it touched people.
Hear grandmother always said "self praise is no recommendation," and that's not what this is. I know FULL WELL that this isn't's God moving in me because let me tell you, my nature is dirty: self-seeking, willful, and deceitful. It's only Him working in me that makes this blog worth anything.
What's the point then? He's not just using me.
Each person that felt led to tell me how they felt about my blog or how it touched them allowed God to use them! They were encouragers (yeah...I made up a word).
That's the moral of the story today folks. If you feel led to give someone encouragement, but you don't want to because you'd feel stupid or you're sure they already know, DO IT ANYWAY.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come from your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up
according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV, emphasis added)
This verse says "according to their needs," but how do you know what someone else needs?
You don't.
It's not our job to figure out how God works, it's only our job to do what He wants.
So today, if God lays it on your heart to encourage someone...just say it. You never can tell what may become of it.
Linking up with:
Juana MikelsLinking up with:
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