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When you're building from scratch, you start with the foundation and build up. In a Christian marriage, the foundation is Jesus Christ. He is the cornerstone. He is the rock you build on.
Josiah and I had this part already, praise God. (If you don't, but you'd like to know how, get with us!)
Nevertheless, even when you've built on a strong foundation, and you sincerely love your home, there are times when you need to do renovations.
Today, Josiah discusses how the Rebuilding phase of the remodel went down for HIM. You can catch up on what's already been written here:
Marriage Renovations: Intro
Marriage Renovations: Demo Day HER Way
Marriage Renovations: Demo Day HIS Way
Marriage Renovations: Blueprints HER Way
Marriage Renovations: Blueprints HIS Way
Marriage Renovations: Rebuilding HER Way
Today, Josiah discusses how the Rebuilding phase of the remodel went down for HIM. You can catch up on what's already been written here:
Marriage Renovations: Intro
Marriage Renovations: Demo Day HER Way
Marriage Renovations: Demo Day HIS Way
Marriage Renovations: Blueprints HER Way
Marriage Renovations: Blueprints HIS Way
Marriage Renovations: Rebuilding HER Way
This is a hardhat area, folks. Strongholds are falling.
PHASE 3: Rebuilding - Josiah Style
“Where there is no guidance, a
people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.”
Proverbs 11:14
Unfortunately, I've come to a point of
realization when I look at the churches across America, and men in
general, and I see few mentors.
I feel like we are watching the decline
of Christian leaders and Christianity because of a lack of guidance.
Like with our dance lessons, the only
way to be an effective leader is to have followed close enough to
someone who is an effective leader and who takes time to invest in
Our men's ministry is not non-existent,
but as far as I'm aware, there aren't really men reaching out to
other men and training them for anything in any capacity. Our church
does a fantastic job at children's ministry, but I feel that's where a lot of masculine input and time ceases.
In speaking to one man, I asked him why
the men's ministry at our church was stagnant, and would he be
involved in it if it existed.
The answer? “It would have to be
worth my time. I don't get very much of it, and I don't want it to be
wasted.” Not word for word, but that was certainly the message.
A friend of ours, and I chimed in at
almost the same time, “Okay, so what WOULD be worth your time?”
I feel like this is a common thread,
but more than likely it is NOT the right question. In order to get
the right answer, you have to ask the right question sometimes,
Perhaps the right question should lie
along the lines of “Why on earth don't we care about teaching men
on how to be men, fathers, on things of God, on how to not just
follow rules but to develop a true love and passion for our God and
for our spouses in such a way our childrens' lives will be changed?”
There is a shorter phrase for this
“Why are we content at failing the
call of The Great Commission to make disciples?”
I have had people teach me along the
way on how to paint, how to write, how to read, how to drive...
I've had input on how to be a
Christian, what a man of God looks like, and on how to parent, but I
don't feel like I've had a lot of input on what it is to be a
Christian leader.
I need it, though.
Not only that, I know other guys need
it. And I know a lot aren't getting it.
I can't help but feel like that is why
this generation of young people are leaving the church in alarming
There is a severe lack of men who are
willing to lean on other men when they need it, because they don't
feel there are other men they CAN lean on.
I firmly believe that a lot of the men
who don't feel they have someone to lean on when they need it is
because no one has invested the time or the energy in them in order
to guide them BEFORE they needed it.
An ounce of prevention IS better than a
pound of cure, right?
Our wives are begging us to lead. They
need it whether or not they act like they want it, or would even
admit that they want it.
I left the marriage retreat weekend
KNOWING that if we truly care about the marriages in our church, and
we truly care about marriages period, then the focus can't be to
try to save marriages so much as it has to be to train and
disciple men.
I don't know exactly what this will
look like yet, but I've had some walls that have had to come down in
this remodel.
I've had to face walls of pride and of
excuses. I expect to face other people's walls of pride and excuses
as well.
But I will plan, I will move with
purpose, and I will persevere.
It's much like going to the gym.
You can say you don't have the time,
but you do. You have to make it.
You don't have the time? Put your cell
phone down for a minute. Turn the video games off. Turn the TV off.
Your high scores won't make a
difference to anyone, or in anyone. Certainly not in 5 years.
You knowing the results of a game,
catching up on the latest TV series isn't going to help much either
in the long run.
Sure, it may be a conversation entry
point, and I'm not saying there shouldn't be any down time.
But instead of finding ways to wind
down, we should be focused on ways to train up.
I liked this quote a lot: “Do something wonderful, people may
imitate it.” - Albert Schweitzer
I have to break through.
James 1:5-6 says:
“If any of you lacks
wisdom, let him ask God,
who gives generously to all without
and it will be given him.
But let him ask in faith, with no
for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea
that is
driven and tossed by the wind.”
This is my prayer. It may have been
James' prayer, and he certainly encouraged others to pray it.
So now it's mine.
I have to be a better leader.
I know no better way to do that than to
be a better follower of God.
For my wife. For my kids. For me. For
my Church.
For my God.
God isn't done with me, and I'm sure
there are more walls to come down.
Alissa's isn't the ONLY life under
construction, after all.
I am God's temple for renovation.
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