Friday, June 29, 2012

Red Writing Hood Link Up

Earlier this week, Write on Edge (a blog I follow thanks to my lovely sister-in-law, Jamie), posted a one word writing prompt.  Basically, the idea is to take that one words and just write.  Whatever you want with that one word...within 450 words. 

So, for better or worse, here it is.  I thought it would be fun to share what I wrote and then give you the prompt!

I know what he did to you.  I heard you, saw you, felt your pain.  I saw the tears roll down your face in the moonlight, and their heat as I welcomed you into my embrace.  I tried to absorb you as you fell into me, letting you know I was there for you, willing to accept you.  I heard your cries to God, asking Him why He allowed the pain, begging Him to take it away.  You yelled at Him, cursed Him, begged Him.  He knows.  I know. 

We lay there together for a while once your soul was quiet, your tears spent.  I felt your caress, your fingers running over me and through me.  Finally, although it hurt me to do it, I pressed you away from me.  I was welcoming for as long as I could be, a soft cushion for your fall, but you need to move on.  Go back to reality.  I pushed against your skin and turned cold, making you feel the chill in the night.  You need to move on.  Accept life.  Keep living.  Keep going.

The wave of pain has broken.  It will continue to rise and fall against you until it finally ebbs and creeps back from view.  Other waves will roll in.  Hurt.  Joy.  Indecision.  Excitement.  At times, they'll roll softly, and at others, collide violently, creating something new entirely.  Accept each one, embrace it.  Each will change you, mold you, take a piece of you and leave something new behind. 

You’ll be back, and I’ll be waiting for you, eager to see the changes made upon your shore, just as you will be to see mine.  We’ll share, we’ll embrace, and then once again, we’ll part. 

You’ll come back, and I’ll be waiting.

Prompt: Sand

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Meet Him Over Coffee...He's Waiting

This morning I got up and had coffee with a friend…my best friend, really.  THE friend.

I had quiet time with God.

Today, unlike most mornings, by the time I was wrapping up with prayer, I was completely alone in the house (except for the dog, but you know…no other people folks were about).  So instead of my normally silent prayer, I prayed right out loud.  I talked to Him like I would any other friend…but with far more reverence and respect probably…cuz He’s God and all.

It felt great.  I wasn’t limited by time or space at all.  I could pray for as long as I liked.  I prayed while I finished my coffee.  I prayed while I walked to the bedroom.  I prayed in the shower.  Out loud…Him and Me.  Mono e mono (which, I’ve just learned via the internet, is not an actual phrase but a misheard Spanish expression, “mano a mano,” which means “hand-to-hand” but I’m totally using it anyway…so there).  Mono e mono.   Don’t get me wrong, you can pray constantly like that anyway, even silently.  However, there’s something that comes with the ability to do it out loud…it increased the constancy, the fluidity.

I learned something by that this morning…I love that time, and now that I’ve really started having it, I don’t ever want to let it go.  I never want to let anything get in the way of that time again. 

I have before.  I’ve started having time with my God each day, letting Him fill me, and then…then I let life get in the way. 

In retrospect, I think that’s what the Obey Me post was about.  Certainly, it was about obedience to Him, but in the grander picture, it was about not letting Him get away.  Or, in reality, about Him not letting me get away.

Last week I got sick again.  I stopped having quiet times in the morning for a while because I truly and genuinely needed the time to recuperate.  My body needed all the rest it could get.

This week, though, I was better…and Monday, I just didn’t get up to do my quiet time.  I forgot.  I let life get in the way, and I got out of my pattern, out of the habit.

So Tuesday, He said “Obey Me,” and He said it insistently enough to make me drag my silly behind out of bed and do what I needed to do.  I’m grateful He did.

As I said, I’ve had times in my life where I’ve gone too far, gotten out of the habit, all of the above.  It’s like forgetting to call an old friend for a long time.  At some point, you’re almost embarrassed to reach out to them because it’s been so long.  Maybe they’ve even tried to call you a couple times, and you meant to call back, but now what will you say?  Those apologies are always so awkward.  And what will they say about the person you’ve become while you’ve been off living your life?

That’s been one of the biggest challenges for me when I’ve let myself drift too far…the shame of where I’ve been, the things I’ve been doing, the way I’ve been living my life.  Sometimes, I’ve even been defiant.  I knew what I was doing wouldn’t be okay, so I’ve stayed away spiritually…far, far away.  I’ve even told Him that I knew I was far away because I was doing something I knew was wrong, but I wasn’t ready to stop yet.

That takes nerve, folks, and not in a good way.

In this case, though, the scenario isn’t quite the same as an old friend in our world because, our earthly friends, they go on living, too.  Instead, our Heavenly Father is still with us, waiting for us to come back to Him…calling to us while we turn a deaf ear, or pretend to.  He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  Not waiting for any of us in turn, but waiting for all of us in one way or another.

He waits for me.  He waits for you.

If you’re not already doing so, I would challenge you to meet with Him today.  Have a chat and maybe spend some time in the Word.  Like the father welcomed the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), He waits to welcome us with open arms and overwhelming grace and mercy.

You’ll be glad you did.  I know I am.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Obey Me

I didn’t really sleep last night.  As a matter of fact, I haven’t been sleeping very much at all lately.

I woke up this morning to do my quiet time at 5:15, just like every morning, but I was just SO tired.  I got out of bed and stumbled across the room to my alarm and reset it for 6:00.  I don’t have the kids this week, so I can do my quiet time after work.

Or so I thought.

I laid there for a few minutes, but I felt the insistent prodding.  The almost audible voice inside my head kept insisting, “Obey me.  Follow me.” 

For some of you, that’s going to sound a little crazy, but others will completely get it.

I heard it.  I tried to push it away by staying just a few more minutes cuddling with my husband.  I tried to drown it out with my pillow.  Finally, I just obeyed.

My quiet time was short this morning because I laid in the bed those extra few minutes.  I just read the excerpt and Scriptures in my “Jesus Calling” book.  Normally, I feel like those aren’t enough for a full quiet time, so I use those in conjunction with something else (currently, that’s normally The Resolution for Women).  However, this morning that little message was all I needed.  It was just for me, and as I thought about it in the shower, slowly sweeping the morning cobwebs from my brain, I realized the full message.

He’s gently breaking me.

I know that’s an oxymoron, but it’s absolutely true.  I’ve learned to go to him through the hard stuff.  If something major happened right this second I would fall on my knees in prayer in a heartbeat…less probably.

But He’s teaching me to come to Him all the time.  To pray…without ceasing...continually.

He wants me to turn to Him in ALL things, great and small, so He is giving me the small things.

When I’m tired, He wants me to turn to Him.

When I’m frustrated with the kids, He wants me to turn to Him.

When I’m bored at work and can’t concentrate, He wants me to turn to Him.

In all things…always…continually.

Normally, I feel like this is the small stuff I should handle on my own because He has bigger fish to fry, but I realize in doing that now I’m underestimating my God and His capabilities. 

He has it covered.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ya think He really means ALL circumstances?

I think I have some apologizing to do for my last me, to God, to anyone who happens to catch this blog in cyberspace.

As a Christian, I am called to live a life of thankfulness and joy no matter what the circumstances.

“Rejoice always, pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Always?  Really?  In ALL circumstances?

Even though I’m in an office with no windows and my husband has the day off?  What about the fact that the stuff I really want is really good stuff?  Like I want to spend more time with my kids and more time cleaning my house and serving my husband.  Right?  That’s good stuff!!  But instead, I’m here and I don’t wanna be!

Have you noticed that my writing has slipped into full-on, 5 year-old mode?  That’s probably because that’s what last week’s post amounted to…a tantrum thrown by an ungrateful child.  How many times have I tried to express to my children that when they pitch fits over what I have not given them, it makes me feel like they’re ungrateful for what I have?

I’m reminded of a hot summer day in a green field where my little family had an even hotter meltdown of our own.  I had spent the day trying to make it memorable.  Oddly, I don’t remember what it was that we did that day; I just recall that we spent the whole thing running from one activity to the next that I thought the kids would enjoy.  We finished it at the park, and when it was time to leave, little Em (probably about 7 at the time) pitched an ever-lovin’ fit.  “We never do anything fun!  Why do we have to leave!  I don’t want to go home!”

I don’t remember where we went earlier that day, but I do remember how insanely angry I was and the tirade that ensued (which wasn’t right either, but that’s an issue for another blog).  I think it’s remarkably ironic how much I remember trying to make that day memorable by running them from one location to another- but the only thing that stuck was her tantrum and then my own.  I remember the ungrateful.

I wonder if that’s how our Lord feels.  Does he look down on me and feel heart-broken, asking me why I’m choosing to see what I don’t have and not all the wonderful blessings He’s given me?

“They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord.”
Psalm 106:25

And guess what THAT kind of nonsense leads to?

“And do not grumble, as some of them did –
and were killed by the destroying angel.”
1 Corinthians 10:10

I’m sorry?  Did you say “destroying angel”?  You kind of caught my attention there, God.  Do I have to worry about being taken out by the destroying angel? 

Nope.  Those grumblers preceded my glorious Savior, who died a horrifying, gruesome death for me, so that I might bask in the glow of my God’s grace and infinite mercy.  Praise Jesus!

However, there’s still major danger that lies in the grumbling.  By immersing myself in ungratefulness, I am blinding myself to the many, many blessings in my life and stunting my spiritual growth.  This could lead to me missing out on the other wonderful things my God has planned for me.

Our wonderful youth pastor’s wife brought this verse to our attention yesterday in our women’s Sunday School class:

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen.”
Ephesians 4:29

With those very wise words in mind, let me leave you with a whole list of things I am very grateful for:

1.       My three beautiful, healthy, spunky, loving children
2.       My wonderful, doting husband who loves me and my children and provides for us all
3.       Our adorable house he bought for us that we are making into our home
4.       The ability to see my children’s smiles and hear their giggles
5.       The fact that I actively feel the Lord working in my heart and my life and I know He has great plans for me
6.       Family, new and old (and friends that might as well be family), that love me, accept me, and teach me every day
7.       The pain in my ankle and foot that has helped remind me how much I love to work out and how I’ve taken for granted the ability I had to do it with ease.
8.       The beautiful world our God has given us, complete with painted sunsets and refreshing rain.
9.       Each and every day I get to learn more about my Lord and how to better serve His kingdom
10.   My job. 

Despite the fact that I do not enjoy the work I’m doing, I am grateful for my job.  It gives us income we need for now.  I like the people I work with and that my schedule is moderately flexible.  I may not really like my job, but I am very grateful for it.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds.  Honestly, I feel like the dissatisfaction in my current line of work has two purposes.  I think God is using it as a lesson in gratitude, but I also think He will use it in his future plans for me as a juxtaposition.  Later, whenever it is that I’m doing whatever else he has planned for me, I will have hard days…days when I look back and think, “why did I ever leave there?!” and He will use these words and feelings to say “be grateful for what I’ve given you, my child.”  And then…then I’ll probably make a new list. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Run, Run, Run - Work, Work, Work - Blah, Blah, Blah

Really busy week this week.  Working with the preschool kids every night in VBS, fighting a really yucky cold, and of course, trying to stay focused at work.  Trying, trying, trying....

*sigh*  Trying....

Against my better judgement, I'm putting this out there for the world to see (cuz apparently that's what I'm good at lately):

I hate my job.  I hate coming here.  I dread sitting at this desk in this office with no windows for 8 hours every day shuffling paperwork and doing NOTHING that truly uses my gifts and talents.  I like the company.  I love many of my coworkers.  I hate my job.

So there...put that in your pipe and smoke it...or don't, because smoking is bad for you...but there...all the same.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What I Want You To Know

Hi everyone.  Really quick post...

A looooooong time ago (a year maybe?) I submitted something I wrote to another blogger because she was running a series called "What I Want You To Know" where people could write in things/perspectives that they wanted to share with others.

Today, by accident, I happened upon the blog...that featured pain.  It stings to see it in front of the whole world (which is exactly where I wanted it).  It's scary.  I'm scared of what people will think and whether certain people will be mad at me for putting it out there.  It's raw...and it's scary...and somewhat liberating...and part of me.

If you'd like, please take a minute to visit Kristen at Rage Against the Minivan to check out this post, but also the rest of her blog.  Her family has an amazing story. :)


Friday, June 15, 2012

A Dirty Word

Every night this week Josiah and I have been doing family devotions with the kids.  They have taken to it surprisingly well, and I’m really encouraged by their insightful remarks and eagerness to participate.  However, in doing my quiet time this morning (TheResolution for Women) I felt led to do a family devotion that may be difficult.  It involves one of society’s dirtiest words:

(insert music of doom)

It just sounds awful doesn’t it?  Induces mental images of Princess Leia chained and bound on the floor at the feet of Jabba the Hutt, right?  Or possibly the image of society’s view of the submissive wife, a woman with food in one hand and the Bible in the other cowering before her tyrannical husband.  Sound familiar?
Yeah…that’s not what I’m talking about.

The person who best exemplifies the act of submission is none other than our savior, Jesus Christ.

Who, being in very nature God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
 And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death —
        even death on a cross! ~
Philippians 2:6-8 (NIV)

Jesus was the Son of God…indeed, Jesus IS God...and yet, he humbled himself and became human.  He suffered brutal humiliation, scorn, torture, and death at the hands of those who would be saved by his resurrection (should they choose to accept it).  He was submissive.  He considered others better than himself, and submitted to the authority of God, the Father.

God calls wives to do this as well.  In his letter to Ephesus, Paul says:

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord,
for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church,
his body, of which he is the Savior.  Now, as the church submits to Christ,
So also should wives submit to their husbands in everything. ~ Ephesians 5:22-24 (NIV)



Not “everything but the finances because in this he shall be inept.”
Not “everything but the child rearing, for he is not the mama.”


But what if he messes stuff up, right?  What if he ruins the kids, the finances, and the lawn?  What if I know WAY better?  He’s not better than me at a lot of things?!

Of course not.  We complement each other in so many ways, there are bound to be many things that we may have a better handle on, which is why it is up to us to give our input…with love and respect.  This doesn’t say “sit down, shut up, and do what you’re told.”  That is NOT the vision of a woman of worth God paints for us in Proverbs 31.  Instead, we will lovingly guide our husbands, accept his guidance as well, and make an active decision to let him have the final say…to be the leader that God has called him to be as the head of the household.

For many wives, especially those who are not married to Christian husbands, this is so much easier said than done.  I know…I was there for a REALLY long time.  But Christian husband or not, we were still called to submit. (Disclaimer: this is not applicable in cases where you are being abused in any way or your husband is calling you to do something immoral/unacceptable in the eyes of God.  Our Lord is our first love, and then our husbands.  Furthermore, if you are being hurt physically by your husband, pray for him…from a distance, not in the same house.)

The questions still arise…what if he messes up?  Then we have faith.

Just as we tithe, knowing that God will fill our needs if we are faithful and good stewards of what he’s given to us, we must also have faith that if we are covering our husbands in prayer, then God is faithful and He will take care of us knowing that all things work together for good to those who love God  (Romans 8:28 NIV).

As my coworker Krystyn said this week, “faith and fear cannot occupy the same space.”  Truer words were never spoken.

So tonight, I will teach my children about submission:
-          Women to their husbands
-          Workers to their supervisors
-          Children to their parents/elders
-          Child of God to their Heavenly Father

I pray that my words will be well-received, but even more that they will see it put into action in my life.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God's Hand Stirring the Pot

Quick post today.  I have so much I feel going on with me spiritually today.  I wrote my mother-in-law an email about it, and then sent part of that email to another good friend, but since this blog is all about my life's journey,
I thought I'd put it here, too.  So, here's what's going on in my world...

I have so much spiritual stuff on my mind this morning.  I feel like God’s doing some major work in my life and in my heart right now, but and I’m LOVING it, but it’s also different and new and coming at me FAST:

  1.  I’ve started doing my quiet time in the morning again.  I crave it and can’t wait to wake up for that time alone with my Savior.  I feel His words in me and around me all day long…which has led to a couple other things 
  2. I’ve had a couple moments lately where I felt God has put it on my heart to say stuff to people, and that’s not normally “me.”  I’ve never felt spiritually in tune like that and it’s weird.  It’s like having the butterflies that are both good and uncomfortable at the same time.  It’s amazing to feel like God is using me in other people’s lives, but at the same time, I’m praying, praying, praying that anything I say is actually from Him and not from me because I want His will in these people’s lives, not mine.  I mean, it’s not like prophecy or anything, but just things that I feel God has shown me that I feel he’s telling me will apply in their lives or encourage them.  It’s new and awesome and scary.  So that’s that… 
  3.  Last night at the dinner table I felt the need to start doing devotions with the kids every night after dinner.  I don’t know why.  I think someone mentioned family devotions to me recently.  Anyhow, I felt struck by its importance and I asked Josiah about it, and right then I looked something up online and then we had a devotion.  Last night it was on temptation.  This morning getting ready for work I had a thousand ideas for different devotions I want to do with the kids and now I can’t remember them all…I need to write them down.  I’m praying for God’s guidance as we do this…that He will guide us each night in our topics and our discussions.
  4. ALSO, last night’s verse during the devotion was Mathew 4:1-11, and was about Jesus being tempted.  I mentioned to the kids that this was right after Jesus was baptized, and I asked them about what baptism was and Emily knows the answer, and she’s asking to be baptized…but I just don’t know.  I want her to understand in her HEART what the decision means, and know the commitment she’s making, so part of me wants to hold off until I feel she understands it more, but another part of me feels like I might be halting something that God is doing in her life and far be it from me to get in the way with my complicatedness.  I’m really praying for that little girl…I’m going to email my pastor today, too.  He’s probably really familiar with this sort of thing.  Plans fail for lack of counsel and the wise (wo)man seeks many advisers right?
  5. This one is WAY important…I am praying for God’s guidance while I’m going through this spiritual avalanche because I always need to remember to let Josiah be the spiritual leader in our home.  I was called to be his helpmeet, but he needs to be the spiritual leader, and I need to make sure I’m giving him that opportunity and room for growth.

So…awesome stuff…a little overwhelming…a lot amazing.  I’m almost feeling overwhelmed by it all because I keep thinking of people I want to encourage and spend time with and things I want to do, but there’s just not enough time in the day.  So today’s prayer is that I encourage whoever God wants me to and do whatever He wants me to do, knowing that whatever time, money, words He gives me today is sufficient for his plans for me today.  Amen!

P.S. I know I promised pictures of the honeymoon, and I swear I'll get around to that this week!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Because I can...

Today I am writing a blog because I can.  I definitely have things that need to get done in the house, and I have plans for this afternoon, but other than that, nothing is pressing.  I'm off school for the summer, I don't have to work today, the wedding planning is over, and the move is done.  I am relieved.

I am so utterly content and grateful right now.  Never in my entire life have I felt so sure that I am completely 100% where I am supposed to be.  It's the best feeling in the world.

I still have that creeping feeling sometimes that I need to know what I'm going to do tomorrow...I had it yesterday as a matter of fact.  I felt the nervousness sneaking up on me as I tried to think about what I'm going to do with my degree.  What are my plans? What should I do?  What are my gifts?

Then, I just gave it away.  If there's one thing I've learned in the last decade and a half or so, it's that no amount of my planning and scheming is worth the effort if I'm working against God's will.  It's just pointless.  Therefore, to sit and worry about what I should do is pointless.  I am so happy with where I am right this second, that I'm just going to enjoy it.  I pray every day that God will guide my life and use me for His glory in whatever way He sees fit.  I'm thinking that's a pretty solid bet.

I am happy.

Tomorrow I plan on posting some of our favorite pics from our honeymoon!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June's To-Do List

Guess what?!  I'm married!!  I am now Mrs. Alissa Shea Coburn. :)  I tried to sign my new name today and my hand stuttered horribly...which I think is just hilarious.  After a while, signing my new name will be second nature, but for right now, my right hand is confused.

May was all about the wedding, and therefore, most of my to-do list items were accomplished by default, but we'll take a look at them anyway!

May's To-Do List

  • FOCUS - I'm calling this a win.  I definitely had a lot of moments where my head was in the clouds, but I ended up doing a really great job.  As a matter of fact, I'm almost completely caught up from being gone on my honeymoon for a week!  
  • Wrap up the little wedding details - This got done, but not without TONS of help from my parents, Nana, Josiah, Josh Good, Kendra, and all the other people that helped me wrap stuff up at the last minute.  I am so blessed to have you all in my life!  Just sayin'....
  • Hair - I find it hard to believe that I really put a hair appointment on my to-do list. Haha...what exactly was I thinking?  My brain must have really been in overload.  I did get my hair done.  My highlights look good.  Yay me. :P
  • School - This is definitely a win.  Finished my second semester at Liberty with a 4.0 and I'm now officially a Senior.  I am SO happy to have the summer off to spend time with the kiddos!
  •  GET MARRIED!! - This totally happened!! 
  •  Workouts - I think this might be a fail...well...maybe.  I did go to the gym TWICE while on the cruise ship and we walked A LOT in Nassau and Charleston, SC...but one week out of almost 5 doesn't really cut it. 
  • Move - I am in my new home!!  OUR new home. :)  Josiah just about single-handedly moved me out of my apartment, but it's all done, and I am SO grateful.
So, that's it for May!  I got strep throat on my honeymoon too, which certainly wasn't on my to-do list, but will make a funny story later.  Now for June....

June's To-Do List 

  • Workouts - This is happening in June people!  Seriously.  I only live 5 seconds from the Y now AND my kids love going AND I'll have extra time because I work so close to home now.  I have to make this a priority.  We were on the cruise ship and one of the comedians was talking about being fat (Ira Proctor - who btw, was REALLY funny) and asked who his fellow fat people were in the audience...I LOVED his show and he was really funny, but I would have been a lot happier if I didn't have to admit to being one of his comrades.  We're gonna get this under control. We're going to start with just making sure I have 3 - 30 minute cardio sessions per week.
  • Keeping track - The wedding madness is over, so I don't have any more excuses for being too busy to eat healthy.  The stops at the drive-through must stop.  They're too expensive and REALLY bad for the body.  In order to track this I'm going to go back to using this calorie counter.  It's free, and it helps me keep track of what I'm eating and when I'm working out.      
  • Organize - New house, new beginnings.  We need a fresh start, and we desperately need to organize.  We have so much stuff to either put away or get rid of!  I'd like to do A LOT of the latter, and when it comes to the former, I want to do it right.  Everything should have a place, and should get put into that place.  I'm tired of feeling like a wreck all the time.  I want our home to be a place people feel they can drop into and feel welcome and at home.  I want to feel comfortable with people dropping by, knowing that things might not be perfect, but at the very least most rooms in the house will be straight and orderly.
  • Finances - Weddings and honeymoons are expensive.  Therefore, Josiah and I have really exhausted our savings.  June is our month to start cleaning that up.  We are going to start watching Dave Ramsey again once per week, decide upon our regular church giving, and start saving again.  

    Friends - I know I'm a honeymooner and all, but I feel like I really need to make time for my girlfriends, old and new.  I'd like for Josiah and I to have some time getting to know other couples, too.  So, how do I make this a measurable success?  Let's say if I get together with one friend per week, we'll call this a win. :)

     Quiet time - I have gotten WAY far away from spending time in the Word each day.  I have made time for everything else on the planet, but not the one thing that is supposed to matter most.  I pray each day, but I'm not spending the time I need to in order to really be connected to God and His plan for my life.  Therefore, I will start taking advantage of my new close proximity to work and using the extra time in the morning to spend at least 20-30 minutes studying His Word.  I know it's the last thing on the list, but really, it's the most important!

    Well, this post is giving me all kinds of difficulties.  I lost my bullets at the end and I can't seem to get back to the far left margin...but that's okay.  Maybe I'll work on better blog posting, too!

    Alright folks...that's it.  And just because I couldn't help it, I'm going to end this post with one of my favorite sneak peek photos from the wedding!

    Photo credit: Amanda Truth Photography -