Tonight, I couldn't sleep. Why?
I was having a pity party.
I'm not even joking, folks; I was having some kinda night. I don't know if it's because my hormones are wacky, or I'm just mentally exhausted, or what, but I was distraught.
I felt lonely. I felt like I missed the boat on something. I felt like I just couldn't make anyone happy.
I prayed.
I prayed getting changing into my sleep shirt. I prayed brushing my teeth. I got down on my knees by my bed and I prayed, knowing that I was thinking wrong and feeling wrong, but feeling powerless to stop it.
So, there I lay in my bed, soaking my pillow with tears...until....
Until I finally decided I couldn't go to sleep anyway, so I might as well get up. When I did, I saw a message from a VERY dear friend, asking me if I wanted to go to the "DEEPER Christmas" event with her (by Established Footsteps). That, in and of itself, lifted my spirits. On a night when I felt so alone and just unlovely, my sweet friend sent me an invite.
Oh, my dear Lord you know what I need. And it gets better....
It seems, this DEEPER thing is a three part event. The first two parts have already happened, but you can listen to them online, too...FOR FREE! So, what do I do...I listen to the first one, of course.
And it was brilliant.
Sharon Thomas (founder of Established Footsteps) speaks about trying to find the true meaning of Christmas in her life and what God has been showing her...
and it's in John 4:3-42.
Yeah, you read that right. It wasn't the first chapter or two of any of the gospels that helped her. It wasn't the sweet baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger with the cattle, oxen, and sheep. It wasn't gifts of gold, frankincense, or myrrh, or angel announcements on a starry night. was the Samaritan woman at the well.
Now, I strongly encourage you to listen to Sharon tell you this...strongly. But, just in case you want the cliffs notes, here goes.
The Samaritan woman was mixed up in oh so many ways, not the least of which was her mistaking Jesus trying to give her literal water instead of actual water. She was mixed up in her life all over the place.
John 4:10 says:
Jesus answered her,
“If you knew the gift of God
and who it is that asks you for a drink,
you would have asked him
and he would have given you living water.”
Eventually, he does just that, gives her the living water.
I knew all that...but I still didn't connect it with Christmas.
But then Sharon takes us over to Isaiah 9:6. AHA! This is a familiar Christmas passage, right? Yes! I know this one! I'm all like Elf in a Gimbel's screaming about Santa - "ISAIAH 9:6!!! I KNOW THAT! I GET THAT!" - but I didn't...not all the way, anyway.
That verse reads:
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Where she rested with this one was on "Wonderful Counselor." She says the meaning of the Hebrew word there for Wonderful is not just "great", it's like "awesome beyond all possible comprehension."
God sent us a Counselor that is awesome...beyond all possible comprehension.
He sent me a Counselor that knows me better than I know myself; who created me; who loves me; who knows the beginning and the end.
My Counselor doesn't just point me in the right direction; He can give me the power I need to walk that way!!
My Counselor knows. I don't have to wait a week or two and keep a journal and try to remember what my problem was on Wednesday of last week. He knows now.
He knows when I'm lying in bed having an all-out pity party and soaking my pillow. He knows me. He loves me. And He (and ONLY He) knows how to fix me!
Praise be to GOD!
And get this, that is our Christmas gift folks!!! The baby in the manger was SUPER awesome, really and truly, but the sacrifice of our Savior on a cross, the sending of the Counselor, and our ability to have a relationship with God is the REAL gift!
Well that's Christmas, folks. Wrap it, bag, it, and take it home.
So, back to the Samaritan woman...she's all confused looking for literal water, and here we are, all confused, trying to find the perfect Christmas gift for people, and make every play, and bake every cookie and cake, and sing the right notes, and find the right sweater.
It's just earthly water, people; it might quench your thirst for a minute, but not for long.
Sharon calls it "Present Day disconnect." Get it? "Present Day." That's punny!
But God has already given us the best gift ever. He's given us the living water! He's given us water that will quench our thirst into eternity. He gave us a Counselor. Hear me?
This is important - He gave YOU a Counselor.
Praise be to GOD!
So, this year, while you're having so much fun at Christmas (and by all means, have fun), make sure you take some time to talk to your heavenly Counselor; drink some living water. And while you're at it, let someone else know about the gift, too!
And listen to Sharon say all this because she really is a lot better at it. I'm sure I'll have more to say after I listen to the second and third installments.
But for now, I'm going to go back to bed, cuddle my husband, and hope my pillow is dry by now.
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