Sunday, December 22, 2013

Got Peace?

Are you at peace?

I don't mean are you NOT having a war on the outside. I mean, DEEP DOWN, in the pit of your soul, do you have peace?


Then let's talk.

From what Scripture says, peace is having an open, honest relationship with Jesus. It's as easy as that.

This is the third and final post that came in part from a lesson Sharon Thomas taught recently through her ministry Established Footsteps. It was called DEEPER Christmas, and really dug into God's Word, and how we can relate Christmas with who Jesus really is: Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)

But we wrap this up with the "Prince of Peace." *sigh* Just saying that brings calmness to my heart.

Once again, Sharon was looking at the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-42, and she said she initially had a really hard time seeing where "Prince of Peace" was in the story...and then she saw it.

Twice in the story it's mentioned that Jesus told this woman everything she ever did. Everything.

Can you imagine sitting down with Jesus and having him tell you everything you ever did? And from what we see of what he's not talking about how brilliant you were at your recital in the third grade, ya know? 

He's telling her about the dirt...the nasty...the SIN. Can you imagine having a face-to-face conversation with Jesus about everything you've ever done? I don't know about you, but that would be a looooooong conversation for me.

But that's what Jesus did. He told her everything she ever did, but in doing so, He didn't stone her; He didn't bring out the whip or the cross; He knew her sin; and He knew He would bear it for her...and He loved her still.

"Come, let us discuss this,"
says the Lord.
Though your sins are like scarlet,
they will be white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they will be like wool.
(Isaiah 1:18)

"Come, let us discuss this..." It just gives me chills. 

The Creator of the Universe pulls up a chair with me, sits beside me, looks at my dirty, sinful, nasty self and says..."Come, let us discuss this. Your sins are dirty, but if we discuss them and you hand them over to me, I can make you clean again."

Oh, there is PEACE in that.

Isn't that what we all want from people? We all want to be truly known, and yet, still loved.

How many women swooned when the lawyer in Bridgette Jones Diary told her he loved her, just as she was...not thinner or funnier or smarter...just as she was.

And how many of us had a yearning from deep in our souls to be known and loved in exactly that way...just as we are.

Guess what? You already are

Just like when we discussed Jesus as a Wonderful Counselor, He already knows you! And he LOVES that there is PEACE!

One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:6-7:

Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, 
by prayer and petition, 
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Once again...chills. Don't be to Him, trust Him, and He will give you a peace so deep it transcends all understanding.

It's about the relationship. It's about knowing Him and being known by Him. It's about being real and transparent and knowing He loves you and accepts you and cares about you.

Sometimes, when we want people to love and accept us just as we are, they fall short...we all do...we're human. BUT GOD, oh but God, He is perfect, and through the sacrifice of His Son, whose birth we celebrate this season, we can have a relationship with Him and have peace.

Praise be to God!

So, if you're celebrating Christmas this year, then you should be at peace. You should have a perfect perfect peace in God. If you don't, talk to Him. He's waiting for you!

The picture of baby Jesus in a manger is a beautiful picture, but if we leave Jesus in that manger, then we've left our present under the tree to get all dusty. It's only when look at who He became, who He WAS, and who He IS that truly unwrap that gift and bring the meaning of Christmas into our lives!

Once again, I strongly urge you to go to Established Footsteps and listen to Sharon. She's amazing.

I'll leave you with this passage of Scripture, which perfectly illustrates how a relationship with our awesome God leads to peace:

How happy is the one
whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered!
How happy is the man
the Lord does not charge with sin,
and in whose spirit is no deceit!

When I kept silent,
my bones became brittle
from my groaning all day long.
For day and night
Your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was drained
as in the summer's heat.
Then I acknowledged my sin to You
and did not conceal my iniquity.
I said,
"I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,"
and You took away the guilt of my sin.
(Psalm 32:1-7)

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1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I love that the Word gives you chills! And it reminded me of this song Love you!
